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Welcome to the All Saints Church Pasadena podcast! We invite you to enjoy sermons every week from this vibrant urban church in Pasadena, California. All Saints' mission is to make God's love tangible through spirituality, community and peace and justice. Those who experience All Saints Church find parishioners joyfully and energetically challenging one another and the church at large to live into Jesus' central message of compassion for all and respect for the dignity of every human being. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, there is a place for you here. Join us! 

Sep 30, 2019

“My wife, Robin, has been reading a book called Becoming Human by Jean Vanier. Vanier founded L’Arche, which describes itself as 'an organization .. of homes, programs and support networks with people with intellectual disabilities.' That language of disability that they have chosen is unfortunate, because...

Sep 23, 2019

“So let us not fear our anger... or our tears... or our secrets. Let us wear them all as badges of honor. Because only then...

Only when we are able to look at the world through tears and wail the lament that any decent feeling person would cry looking at how things are today

'Is there no balm in Gilead?'

Only when...

Sep 16, 2019

“A revolutionary Jesus looks at each of us and is not satisfied with the 99% of ourselves that we think might be lovable, but wants desperately to touch that one percent, that secret we hide so deeply in fear … to caress that broken childhood dream … to reach that painful secret that is feeding on our heart like a...

Sep 8, 2019

“To follow me, Jesus says, you will be called to leave your comfort zone guaranteed, and although God will sustain you and carry you in love, you heart will sometimes break. It will break at the news of our border, and the immigrant children and parents torn from each other. It may break learning this week of the...

Sep 1, 2019

“If we are indeed to be that Body of Christ in the World we need ligaments of love which will be limber enough to stretch not only to include all who wish to be bound together in this community of faith but to speak out whenever any member of the human family is oppressed or marginalized, wounded or afraid, silenced...