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Welcome to the All Saints Church Pasadena podcast! We invite you to enjoy sermons every week from this vibrant urban church in Pasadena, California. All Saints' mission is to make God's love tangible through spirituality, community and peace and justice. Those who experience All Saints Church find parishioners joyfully and energetically challenging one another and the church at large to live into Jesus' central message of compassion for all and respect for the dignity of every human being. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, there is a place for you here. Join us! 

Mar 17, 2022

Voices like Verna’s […] remind us about our history in order to empower us for our future: voices that comfort us in our affliction and afflict us in our comfort … voices that call us to continue to ask of ourselves and each other: “What would it mean to actually follow Jesus?” as we work together to make...

Mar 11, 2022

So, some temptations may be so culturally conditioned that they need to be named as not temptations to something bad at all.  Others truly are harmful to ourselves and others … and .. they are still not referenda on who we are and our worthiness and lovability. They are signs of a deeper hunger that can be sated, a...

Mar 11, 2022

This gift of the epiphany that there is a disjuncture between our outward and inward selves that doesn’t have to be this way, and the witness of the courage it takes not only to name but claim our truest identity, to love that truest identity, fully to live into that truest identity is part of the deep gift those...