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Welcome to the All Saints Church Pasadena podcast! We invite you to enjoy sermons every week from this vibrant urban church in Pasadena, California. All Saints' mission is to make God's love tangible through spirituality, community and peace and justice. Those who experience All Saints Church find parishioners joyfully and energetically challenging one another and the church at large to live into Jesus' central message of compassion for all and respect for the dignity of every human being. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, there is a place for you here. Join us! 

Dec 3, 2017

“Lament is the power of truth that makes the powerful tremble and gives the powerless strength.”

A powerful sermon amplifying the voices of women lamenting the abuse and subjugation experienced by women through the ages – and calling the church to break its silent complicity in the creation of a culture that dehumanizes women.

For further reading, see the work of the Reverend Dr. Wil Gaffney and her "Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to the Women of the Torah and the Throne":

Sermon by Mike Kinman at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Sunday, December 3, 2017. Readings: Isaiah 64:1-9 and Mark 13:24-37.

For a text of the sermon, visit our website:

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